Publications about Expert-N

Berkenkamp, A., Priesack, E., Munch J.C.: Modelling the mineralisation of plant residues on the soil surface. Agronomie 22 (2002) 711-722.

Biernath, C., Bittner, S., Klein, C., Gayler, S., Rainer, H., Hoffmann, P., Högy, P., Fangmeier, A. and Priesack, E. (2013) Modeling acclimation of leaf photosynthesis to atmospheric CO2 enrichment. European Journal of Agronomy 48, 74-87.

Biernath, C., Gayler, S., Ingwersen, J., Streck, T. and Priesack, E. (2013) Proceedings of the Workshop on Modelling Wheat Response to High Temperature. Alderman, P.D., Quilligan, E., Asseng, S., Ewert, F. and Reynolds, M.P. (eds), pp. 89-100, CIMMYT, El Batán, Mexico, 19-21 June 2013.

Biernath, C., Gayler, S., Klein, C., Bittner, S., Högy, P., Fangmeier, A. and Priesack, E. (2011) Evaluating the ability of four crop models to predict different environmental impacts on spring wheat grown in open-top chambers. European Journal of Agronomy 35, 71-82.

Bittner, S., Janott, M., Ritter, D., Köcher, P., Beese, F. and Priesack, E. (2012) Functional–structural water flow model reveals differences between diffuse- and ring-porous tree species. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 158–159(0), 80-89

Bittner, S., Legner, N., Beese, F. and Priesack, E. (2012) Individual tree branch-level simulation of light attenuation and water flow of three F. sylvatica L. trees. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 117(G1), G01037

Daigo-Schulte, M.J., Matyssek, R., Gayler, S., Priesack, E. and Grams, T.E.E. (2013) Mode of competition for light and water amongst juvenile beech and spruce trees under ambient and elevated levels of O3 and CO2. Trees 27(6), 1763-1773.

Frolking, S.E., Mosier, A.R., Ojima, D.S., Li, C., Parton, W.J., Potter, C.S., Priesack, E., Stenger, R., Haberbosch, C., Dörsch, P., Flessa, H. and Smith, K.A.: Comparison of N2O emissions from soils at three temperate agricultural sites: simulations of year-round measurements by four models. Nutr. Cycl. Agroecosys., 52 (1998) 77-105

Gayler, S., Grams, T.E.E., Heller, W., Treutter, D. and Priesack, E. (2008) A dynamic model of environmental effects on allocation to carbon-based secondary compounds in juvenile trees. Annals of Botany 101(8), 1089-1098,

Gayler, S., Grams, T.E.E., Kozovits, A., Luedemann, G., Winkler, B. and Priesack, E. (2006) Analysis of competition effects in mono- and mixed cultures of juvenile beech and spruce by means of the plant growth simulation model PLATHO. Plant Biology 8(4), 503-514.

Gayler, S., Ingwersen, J., Priesack, E., Wöhling, T., Wulfmeyer, V. and Streck, T. (2013) Assessing the relevance of sub surface processes for the simulation of evapotranspiration and soil moisture dynamics with CLM3.5: Comparison with field data and crop model simulations. Environmental Earth Science 69(2), 415-427.

Gayler, S., Leser, C., Priesack, E. and Treutter, D. (2004) Modelling the effect of environmental factors on the "trade-off" between growth and defensive compounds in young apple trees. Trees 18, 363-371.

Gayler, S., Wang, E., Priesack, E., Schaaf, T. and Maidl, F.-X. (2002) Modeling biomass growth, N-Uptake and phenological development of potato crop. Geoderma 105, 367-383.

Gayler, S., Wöhling, T., Priesack, E., Ingwersen, J., Wizemann, H.-D., Högy, P., Fangmeier, A., Wulfmeyer, V. and Streck, T. (2012) Multikriterielle Kalibrierung gekoppelter Boden-Pflanze-Atmosphäre Modelle. Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 31(12), 115-120.

Heinlein, F., Biernath, C., Klein, C., Thieme, C. and Priesack, E. (2017) Evaluation of simulated transpiration from maize plants on lysimeters. Vadose Zone Journal 16, 1-16.

Hentschel, R., Bittner, S., Janott, M., Biernath, C., Holst, J., Ferrio, J.P., Gessler, A. and Priesack, E. (2013) Simulation of stand transpiration based on a xylem water flow model for individual trees. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 182–183, 31-42.

Hentschel, R., Hommel, R., Poschenrieder, W., Grote, R., Holst, J., Biernath, C., Gessler, A. and Priesack, E. (2016) Stomatal conductance and intrinsic water use efficiency in the drought year 2003: a case study of European beech. Trees 30(1), 153-174.

Janott, M., Gayler, S., Gessler, A., Javaux, M., Klier, C. and Priesack, E. (2011) A one-dimensional model of water flow in soil-plant systems based on plant architecture. Plant and Soil 341, 233-256.

Kaharabata, S.K., Drury, C.F., Priesack, E., Desjardins, R.L., McKenney D.J., Tan, C.S., Reynolds, D.: Comparing measured and Expert-N predicted N2O emissions from conventional and no till corn treatments. Nutr. Cycl. Agroecosys. 66 (2003) 107-118.

Klein, C., Biernath, C., Heinlein, F., Thieme, C., Gilgen, A.K., Zeeman, M. and Priesack, E. (2017) Vegetation growth models improve surface layer flux simulations of a temperate Grassland. Vadose Zone Journal 16(13).

Klier, C., Gayler, S., Haberbosch, C., Ruser, R., Stenger, R., Flessa, H. and Priesack, E. (2011) Modeling Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Potato-Cropped Soil. Vadose Zone Journal 10, 184-194.

Klier, C., Grundmann, S., Gayler, S. and Priesack, E. (2008) Modelling the Environmental Fate of the Herbicide Glyphosate in Soil Lysimeters. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus 8(2), 187 - 207.

Loos, C., Gayler, S. and Priesack, E. (2007) Assessment of water balance simulations for large-scale weighing lysimeters. Journal of Hydrology 335, 259-270.

Parker, P., Ingwersen, J., Högy, P., Priesack, E. and Aurbacher, J. (2016) Simulating regional climate-adaptive field cropping with fuzzy logic management rules and genetic advance. The Journal of Agricultural Science FirstView, 1-16.

Priesack, E., Berkenkamp, A, Gayler, S., Hartmann, H.P., Loos, C.: Development and application of agro-ecosystem models. In: Perspectives for Agroecosystem Management (Eds.: P. Schroeder, J. Pfadenhauer and J.C. Munch), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Elsevier, (2007), 229-349.

Priesack, E., Gayler, S. and Hartmann, H.P. (2006) The impact of crop growth sub-model choice on the simulation of water and nitrogen balances. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 75, 1-13.

Priesack, E., Gayler, S. and Hartmann, H.P. (2007) Modelling water and nutrient dynamics in soil-crop systems: Applications of different models to common data sets. Kersebaum, K.C., Hecker, J.-M., Mirschel, W. and Wegehenkel, M. (eds), pp. 183-195, Springer, Berlin.

Rettie, F.M., Gayler, S., K. D. Weber, T., Tesfaye, K. and Streck, T. (2022) Climate change impact on wheat and maize growth in Ethiopia: A multi-model uncertainty analysis. PLOS ONE 17(1), e0262951.

Schäfer Rodrigues Silva, A., Weber, T.K.D., Gayler, S., Guthke, A., Höge, M., Nowak, W. and Streck, T. (2022) Diagnosing similarities in probabilistic multi-model ensembles: an application to soil–plant-growth-modeling. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 8, 5143–5175.

Schöniger, A., Wöhling, T. and Nowak, W. (2015) A statistical concept to assess the uncertainty in Bayesian model weights and its impact on model ranking. Water  Resources Research 51, 7524–7546.

Schulte-Bisping, H., Brumme, R. and Priesack, E. (2003) Nitrous oxide emission inventory of German forest soils. Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres 108(D4), 4132.

Sponagel, C., Bendel, D., Angenendt, E., Weber, T.K.D., Gayler, S., Streck, T. and Bahrs, E. (2022) Integrated assessment of regional approaches for biodiversity offsetting in urban-rural areas – A future based case study from Germany using arable land as an example. Land Use Policy 117, 106085.

Stenger, R., Priesack, E., Barkle, G., Sperr, C.: Expert-N A tool for simulating nitrogen and carbon dynamics in the soil-plant-atmosphere system. In: NZ Land Treatment Collective Proceedings Technical Session 20: Modelling of Land Treatment Systems. (Eds.: M. Tomer, M. Robinson, G. Gielen). New Plymouth, New Zealand: (1999) 19-28.Wöhling, T., Gayler, S., Ingwersen, J., Streck, T., Vrugt, J.A. and Priesack, E. (2012) Models-Repository of Knowledge. Oswald, S., Kolditz, O. and Attinger, S. (eds), pp. 357-363, IAHS Publication.

Troost, C., Duan, X., Gayler, S., Heinlein, F., Klein, C., Aurbacher, J., Demyan, M.S., Högy, P., Laub, M., Ingwersen, J., Kremer, P., Tijerino, F.M., Otto, L.-H., Poyda, A., Warrach-Sagi, K., Weber, T.K.D., Priesack, E., Streck, T. and Berger, T. (2020) The Bioeconomic Modelling System MPMAS_XN: Simulating Short and Long-term Feedback Between Crop growth, Crop Management and Farm Development under Climate Change. In: Griensven, A.v., Nossent, J. and Ames, D.P. (eds), 10th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Brussels, Belgium, IEMMS.

Viswanathan, M., Weber, T.K.D., Gayler, S., Mai, J. and Streck, T. (2022) A Bayesian sequential updating approach to predict phenology of silage maize. Biogeosciences 19(8), 2187-2209.

Wöhling, T., Gayler, S., Priesack, E., Ingwersen, J., Wizemann, H.-D., Högy, P., Cuntz, M., Attinger, S., Wulfmeyer, V. and Streck, T. (2013a) Multiresponse, multiobjective calibration as a diagnostic tool to compare accuracy and structural limitations of five coupled soil-plant models and CLM3.5. Water Resources Research 49, 8200–8221.

Wöhling, T., Geiges, A., Nowak, W., Gayler, S., Högy, P. and Wizemann, H.-D. (2013b) Towards optimizing experiments for maximum-confidence model selection between different soil-plant models. Procedia Environmental Sciences 19, 514-523.

Wöhling, T., Schöniger, A., Gayler, S. and Nowak, W. (2015) Bayesian model averaging to explore the worth of data for soil-plant model selection and prediction. Water Resources Research 51, 2825–2846.